where the unit cell volume,
a reciprocal lattice vector
is the Ewald convergence parameter related to the width
of the Gaussian spherical charge distribution. The first term in the
non-bonded energy Eq. 9.1 is limited to the zero-cell and
corresponds to the electrostatic interactions in the direct lattice;
is a a soft-core parameter for the direct-lattice
electrostatic term to avoid singularities when
is approaching to 1.[]
the second term refers to the self interactions of the Gaussian charge
distributions and the third term corresponds to the interactions
between Gaussian distributions in the zero cell as well as in the
infinite direct lattice, reformulated as an absolutely convergent
summation in the reciprocal lattice. The last term in
Eq. 9.1, finally, corresponds to the modified atom-atom Van
der Waals interaction introduced in Ref. [151] incorporating
a soft-core parameterization[], where the infinity in the Lennard-Jones
interaction is smoothed to zero as a function of the
. The
is a positive constant (usually set[152]
to 0.5) that controls the smoothing to zero of the derivatives Lennard
Jones function as
tends to zero.[153]
In the present general formulation, according to Eq. 9.1, all
atoms of the systems, whether alchemical or not, are characterized by
an additional, time dependent and and externally driven
``coordinate'', the
parameter controlling the
charging/discharging of the system and the
parameter for
switching on or off the atom-atom Lennard-Jones potential. The time
dependence of the
atomic factors is
externally imposed using an appropriately selected time protocol. The
non bonded potential energy of Eq. 9.1 coincides with the
standard potential energy of a system with no alchemical species when
all the alchemical atomic factors
referring to electrostatic and Van der Waals interactions, are
constant and equal to zero. At the other extreme, when
, the alchemical species disappears
according to the ``mixing'' rules for
factors specified in Table 9.1. These rules are such that
the modified alchemical potential is enforced only when one of the two
interacting atoms is alchemical while atom-atom interactions within a
given alchemical species are accounted for with the standard potential
or simply set to zero when they do refer to atoms on different
alchemical species. In general, the time protocol for the
Van der Waals and electrostatic atomic parameters may differ
from each other and for different alchemical species. A simple and
sufficiently flexible scheme[154] would be that, for
example, of allowing only two sets of alchemical species, i.e. the
species to be annihilated and the species to be created, defining
hence two different time protocols for the
and two more
for the
atomic parameters. Such a scheme allows, for example,
the determination of the energy difference when one group in a
molecule is replaced by an other group in a single alchemical
As remarked by others[152], it is convenient in a, e.g.,
alchemical creation, to switch on first the Van der Waals parameters
changing for the alchemical atoms from one to zero and then
charge the system varying
from one to zero. While for
soft-core Lennard Jones term and the direct lattice electrostatic term
the combination rules described in Table 1 can be straightforwardly
implemented at a very limited computational cost in a standardly
written force routine, the same rules cannot be directly applied to
the reciprocal lattice part. In common implementation of the Ewald
method, for obvious reason of computational convenience, the
reciprocal lattice space double sum is rewritten in terms of a squared
charge weighted structure factors as
It should be stressed here that, when the reciprocal lattice
sum is computed using Eq. 9.2, the zero cell Erf contribution of the 12,
13 and 14 interactions must be removed whether the two charges
are alchemical or not. So, alchemically driven simulations imply no
changes on the subtraction of these peculiar self-interactions with
respect to a normally implemented program with no alchemical
changes. The routines that implement Eq. 9.4 must be therefore
called using the atomic charges
whether alchemical or not (i.e. whether
is different from
zero or not). With the same spirit, the self interaction in the zero
cell, i.e. the term
must be computed using the same charges.
We have seen in Table 9.2 that in the direct lattice the
intrasolute non bonded electrostatic interactions are computed using
the full time invariant solute charges , as alchemical changes
affect only solute-solvent interaction energies. To recover the bare
Coulomb potential for intrasolute interaction in a system subject to
an alchemical transformation one must then subtract, as done for the 12
13 and 14(1-f) pairs, the Erf
contribution, and add a
Erf term to the total energy of the system, producing the
alchemical correction to the electrostatic energy
We can finally re-write down the total energy of a system subject
to an alchemical transformation as
![]() |
In a multiple time scheme, the individual contributions to the non
bonded forces evolve in time with disparate time scales and must be
hence partitioned in appropriately defined ``integration shell'' as
described in details in Chapter 3. So in condensed
phases, the direct lattice term is integrated in the fast short-ranged
non bonded shell, while the reciprocal lattice summations (including
the Erf intramolecular correction terms in
) are usually
assigned, with an appropriate choice of the Gaussian parameter
, to the
intermediate non bonded shell. The Lennard-Jones term, finally, is split among the
short-ranged, intermediate-range and long-range integration shells.
The potential subdivision for condensed phases is basically unaffected
by the implementation of alchemical transformation, except for the
intrasolute self term
and for the now time-dependent
self term
9.1. The latter can be safely included in the intermediate
shell, while the former (a true direct lattice term) must be
integrated in the sort-range shell. The
) factors, finally, must be updated, according to the
predefined time protocol, before the force computation of the fast
short-ranged non bonded shell.