ADD_TORS - Add the torsional angle between four atoms to the
list of the reaction coordinates.
ADD_TORS iat1 iat2 iat3 iat4 w
This command adds to the list of the reaction
coordinates of a metadynamics simulation the torsional angle between atom
iat1, iat2, iat3 and iat4.
The axis of the torsion is defined by the atoms iat2 and iat3. The numeric order of the atom
indices iat1, iat2, iat3, iat4 is that specified in the topology file
(see 10.3). The repulsive potential terms deposed in the
space of the reaction coordinates during the simulation (see
6.3.3) will have a width w (in arc degrees) in the
direction of this angle.
ADD_TORS 1 5 8 11 4.0
Add the torsional angle between atom 1, atom 5, atom 8 and atom 11 to the list of the
reaction coordinates.