
As a first simple example we apply the double time integrator (2.34) to the NVE simulation of flexible nitrogen at 100 K.

Table: Energy conservation ratio $ R$ for various integrators (see text). The last three entries refer to a velocity Verlet with bond constraints. $ <V_{i}>$ and $ <V_{m}>$ are the average value of the intra-molecular and intermolecular energies (in KJ/mole), respectively. CPU is given in seconds per picoseconds of simulation and $ \Delta t $ in $ fs$. Single time step velocity Verlet with $ \Delta
t = 4.5 ~fs$ is unstable.
$ \Delta t $ $ n$ $ R$ CPU $ <V_{i}>$ $ <V_{m}>$
0.3 1 0.005 119 0.1912 -4.75
0.6 1 0.018 62 0.1937 -4.75
1.5 1 0.121 26 0.2142 -4.75
4.5 1 - - - -
0.6 2 0.004 59 0.1912 -4.75
1.5 5 0.004 28 0.1912 -4.75
3.0 10 0.005 18 0.1912 -4.75
4.5 15 0.006 15 0.1912 -4.75
6.0 20 0.008 12 0.1912 -4.74
9.0 30 0.012 10 0.1911 -4.74
3.0 - 0.001 14 - -4.74
6.0 - 0.004 8 - -4.75
9.0 - 0.008 6 - -4.74

The overall interaction potential is given by

$\displaystyle V = V_{intra} + V_{inter}

Where $ V_{inter}$ is the intermolecular potential described by a Lennard-Jones model between all nitrogen atoms on different molecules [80]. $ V_{intra}$ is instead the intramolecular stretching potential holding together the two nitrogen atoms of each given molecule. We use here a simple harmonic spring depending on the molecular bond length $ r_{m}$, namely:

$\displaystyle V_{i} = {1 \over 2} \sum_{m} k(r-r_{0})^{2},

with $ r_0$ and $ r$ the equilibrium and instantaneous distance between the nitrogen atoms, and $ k$ the force constant tuned to reproduce the experimental gas-phase stretching frequency [81].

As a measure of the accuracy of the numerical integration we use the adimensional energy conservation ratio [23,82,24,13]

$\displaystyle R = {<E^{2}> - <E>^{2} \over <K^{2}> - <K>^{2} }$     (2.44)

where $ E$ and $ K$ are the total and kinetic energy of the system, respectively. In table 1 we show the energy conservation ratio $ R$ and CPU timings on a IBM-43P/160MH/RS6000 obtained for flexible nitrogen at 100 K with the r-RESPA integrator as a function of $ n$ and $ \Delta t_{1}$ in Eq. (2.34) and also for single time step integrators. Results of integrators for rigid nitrogen using SHAKE are also shown for comparison. The data in Table 1 refer to a 3.0 ps run without velocity rescaling. They were obtained starting all runs from coordinates corresponding to the experimental $ Pa3$ structure [83,84] of solid nitrogen and from velocities taken randomly according to the Boltzmann distribution at 100 K.

The entry in bold refers to the ``exact'' result, obtained with a single time step integrator with a very small step size of 0.3 fs. Note that $ R$ increases quadratically with the time step for single time step integrators whereas r-RESPA is remarkably resistant to outer time step size increase. For example r-RESPA with $ \Delta t_1 = 9.0 fs$ and $ P = 30$ (i.e. $ \Delta t_0$ = 0.3 fs) yields better accuracy on energy conservation than single time step Velocity Verlet with $ \Delta t = 0.6 fs$ does, while being more than six times faster. Moreover, r-RESPA integrates all degrees of freedom of the systems and is almost as efficient as Velocity Verlet with constraints on bonds. It is also worth pointing out that energy averages for all r-RESPA integrators is equal to the exact value, while at single time step even a moderate step size increase results in sensibly different averages intra-molecular energies.

Figure: Time record of the torsional potential energy at about 300 K for a cluster of eight molecules of $ C_{24}H_{50}$ obtained using three integrators: solid line integrator E; circles integrator R3; squares integrator S1; diamonds integrator S (see text)
As a more complex example we now study a cluster of eight single chain alkanes $ C_{24}H_{50}$. In this case the potential contains stretching, bending and torsional contributions plus the intermolecular Van-der-Waals interactions between non bonded atoms. The parameter are chosen according to the AMBER protocol [4] by assigning the carbon and hydrogen atoms to the AMBER types ct and hc, respectively. For various dynamical and structural properties we compare three integrators, namely a triple time step r-RESPA (R3) a single time step integrator with bond constraints on $ X-H$ (S1) and a single time step integrator with all bonds kept rigid (S). These three integrators are tested, starting from the same phase space point, against a single time step integrator (E) with a very small time step generating the ``exact'' trajectory. In Fig. 2.1 we show the time record of the torsional potential energy. The R3 integrator generates a trajectory practically coincident with the ``exact'' trajectory for as long as 1.5 ps. The single time step with rigid $ X-H$ bonds also produces a fairly accurate trajectory, whereas the trajectory generated by S quickly drifts away from the exact time record. In Fig. 2.2 we show the power spectrum of the velocity auto-correlation function obtained with R3, S1 and S. The spectra are compared to the exact spectrum computed using the trajectories generated by the accurate integrator E. We see that R3 and S1 generates the same spectral profile within statistical error. In contrast, especially in the region above 800 wavenumbers, S generates a spectrum which differs appreciably from the exact one. This does not mean, of course, that S is unreliable for the ``relevant'' torsional degrees of freedom. Simply, we cannot a priori exclude that keeping all bonds rigid will not have an impact on the equilibrium structure of the alkanes molecules and on torsional dynamics. Actually, in the present case, as long as torsional motions are concerned all three integrators produce essentially identical results. In 20 picoseconds of simulation, R3 S1 and S predicted 60, 61, 60 torsional jumps, respectively, against the 59 jumps obtained with the exact integrator E. According to prescription of Ref. [85], in order to avoid period doubling, we compute the power spectrum of torsional motion form the auto-correlation function of the vector product of two normalized vector perpendicular to the dihedral planes. Rare events such as torsional jumps produce large amplitudes long time scale oscillations in the time auto-correlation function and therefore their contribution overwhelms the spectrum which appears as a single broaden peak around zero frequency. For this reason all torsions that did undergo a barrier crossing were discarded in the computation of the power spectrum. The power spectrum of the torsional motions is identical for all integrators within statistical error when evaluated over 20 ps of simulations.

Figure: Power spectra of the velocity auto-correlation function (left) and of the torsional internal coordinates (right) at 300 K for a cluster of 8 $ C_{24}H_{50}$ molecules calculated with integrators E, R3, S1 and S (see text) starting from the same phase space point
\includegraphics[scale=0.35]{vacf.eps} \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{vacf_tors.eps}

From these results it can be concluded that S1 and R3 are very likely to produce essentially the same dynamics for all ``relevant'' degrees of freedom. We are forced to state that also the integrator S appears to accurately predict the structure and overall dynamics of the torsional degrees of freedom at least for the 20 ps time span of this specific system.2.4 Since torsions are not normal coordinates and couple to higher frequency internal coordinates such as bending and stretching, the ability of the efficient S integrator of correctly predicting low frequency dynamics and structural properties cannot be assumed a priori and must be, in principle, verified for each specific case. We also do not know how the individual eigenvectors are affected by the integrators and, although the overall density for S and S1 appears to be the same, there might be considerable changes in the torsional dynamics. R3 does not require any assumption, is accurate everywhere in the spectrum (see Fig. 2.2) and is as efficient as S. For these reasons R3, or a multi-step version of the equally accurate S1, must be the natural choice for the simulation of complex systems using all-atoms models

procacci 2021-12-29