If the first argument of the step subcommand is the string ``nonbond'' then at least an integer and a real are expected. The integer is the time step dividing factor of the nonbonded shell while the real argument equals the shell upper radius. Two more optional real arguments can be defined, i.e. the healing length at the upper shell radius and the corresponding neighbor list offset. The defaults value of the healing length are As for the intra shell, the more rapidly varying nonbonded shells are entered first. If three - step nonbond - subcommands are entered, then the first refers to the , the second to the and the third to the subsystems, with being such that , , , (see Table 4.3). for the last nonbonded shell is set automatically to 1 disregarding its actual value. If two shells are entered then only two intermolecular time steps are used, i.e. and . If one shell is entered only one time step is defined and . When using Ewald, the term (Eq. 4.21) in the reciprocal lattice is assigned by entering the string reciprocal as the last argument of a - step nonbond directive.
WRITE(ktest,300) tim,utot,ustot,uptot,upstot,ektot,pottot 300 FORMAT(' TotalEnergy',f12.3,6f15.3)Where tim,utot,ustot,uptot,upstot,ektot,pottot are the values of the time, total energy, solvent potential energy, solute potential energy, solvent-solute potential energy, total kinetic energy, total potential energy. Time is given in fs and all energies in . The energy conservation ratio and the drift are printed periodically (every ) and at the end of the simulation onto the file .
step intra 2 step intra 2 step nonbond 4 4.2 step nonbond 4 7.3 reciprocal step nonbond 1 9.7Here five time steps are defined, three for nonbonded potentials and two for intramolecular potential. The largest timestep is defined by the command TIMESTEP in this environment (see above) and refers to the nonbonded subsystem with shell in the range Å. We then have referring to the Å shell and referring to the Å shell. The reciprocal potential is assigned to the intermediate Å shell. The two intramolecular shells have time steps and .
step intra 2 step nonbond 3 6.5 reciprocal step nonbond 1 9.5 test-times OPEN file-testsHere only one intramolecular and two intermolecular time steps are defined. The reciprocal (PME or standard) contribution is assigned to the fastest intermolecular shell. Energy records are printed onto the file file-tests each femtoseconds.
step intra 1 step intra 1 step nonbond 1 4.1 0.3 0.35 step nonbond 1 7.3 0.3 0.45 reciprocal step nonbond 1 9.7 0.3 1.5
procacci 2021-12-29