&RUN ... STEER 1000.0 10000.0 .. &END &INOUT .. PLOT STEER_ANALYTIC 100.0 OPEN WRK.out .. &ENDStart to apply the time dependent potential (see Eq. 8.13) at 1 ps and switch it off at 11 ps. Print out the accumulated work every 100 fs to the file WRK.out. The accumulated work is calculated according to Eq. 8.16.
&RUN ... STEER temperature 300. 1500. 1000.0 11000.0 .. &END &INOUT .. PLOT STEER_TEMPERATURE 100.0 OPEN WRKTEMP.out .. &ENDrise the temperature form 300 to 1500 K starting at 1 ps and ending at 11 ps, with the constant speed of 120 K /ps. The thermal work is printed every 100 fs to the file WRKTEMP.out.
&RUN CONTROL 1 STEER 0.0 18000.0 TIME 10000.0 .. &END &INOUT .. PLOT STEER_ANALYTIC 100.0 OPEN WRK.out .. &END .. &INOUT RESTART read file.rst write 30.0 OPEN new.rst END &ENDIn this example, the simulation starts from the restart file file.rst and goes from the time found in that file to 10000.0 fs. The total steering time is 18000.0 fs. In the next restarted run the configuration of the system at
&RUN CONTROL 1 STEER 0.0 18000.0 TIME 18000.0 .. &END &INOUT .. PLOT STEER_ANALYTIC 100.0 OPEN WRK_10000_18000.out .. &END .. &INOUT RESTART read new.rst END &ENDIn this example, the steering is complete and in the output file WRK_10000_18000.out, the work is calculated from
procacci 2021-12-29