&SETUP CRYSTAL 20.00 20.00 20.00 90.0 90.0 90.0 # REPLICATE 2 2 2 &END &SOLUTE COORDINATES solute.pdb # SPACE_GROUP OPEN benz.group P 2/c &END &SOLVENT CELL SC INSERT 1.5 COORDINATES solvent.pdb GENERATE RANDOMIZE 4 4 4 # GENERATE RANDOMIZE 8 8 8 &ENDIn this example the coordinates of the solute are read in form the file solute.pdb while the coordinates of the solvent molecule (see &SOLVENT) are read in form the file solvent.pdb. As is now, this input would produce in a box of Å, 1 solute along with 64 replicas (see command GENERATE(&SOLVENT) of the solvent molecule. Of this 64 molecule, those that overlap with the solute molecule (see command INSERT(&SOLVENT) ) are discarded. If the second line in the environment &SOLUTE is uncommented, the solute is assumed to be arranged in the MD box according to the space group specified by the SPACE_GROUP directive. In the present example the group contains 4 molecules per unit cell. So 4 molecules of solute are arranged in the box according to the P 2/c space group along with 64 replicas of solvent molecules. Again the overlapping solvent molecules (say ) will be discarded. If we comment the line GENERATE RANDOMIZE 4 4 4 and uncomment the lines # GENERATE RANDOMIZE 8 8 8 and # REPLICATE 2 2 2 we double the size of the sample: we will have 8 cell of Å each with 4 molecules of solute and solvent molecules minus overlapping molecules.
procacci 2021-12-29