The SETUP command is used to define the lowest scaling factor(s)
(i.e the highest temperature) of the last replica. The number of
replicas in the REMD simulations are equal to the number of processors
passed to the MPI routines (nprocs). The spacing between the replicas
can be defined in the REM.set user-file by setting the irest
integer equal to 2. If only the
real parameter is specified,
an equal scaling is applied to all parts of the potential. If the
three parameters
are specified, then
refers to the bending, stretching and improper torsional
to the (proper) torsional potential and to the 14
non-bonded interactions and finally
refers to the non bonded
potential.NB: when the Ewald summation is used together with the
command SEGMENT(&REM),
scales only the direct
(short-ranged) part of the electrostatic interactions and the
(long-ranged) reciprocal part has a scaling factor of 1.0 (i.e. these
interaction are not scaled).
If irest=0, the run is restarted from a previous one. This
implies that the directories PARXXXX are present and are equal in
number to nprocs as specified in the mpiexec/mpirun
command. The default prefix of the REM directories can be changed from PAR to anything by specifying in the preamble of the main input file the
shebang directive
If irest
the run refers to a cold start from scratch and
- if irest
, then the scaling factors of the intermediate
replicas are derived according to a geometric progression, namely
, where
is the
scaling factor for the potential
of the replica
. For example, if
and nprocs=4,
then replica
, replica
, replica
and the replica
- if irest
, the scaling factors are read from an
auxiliary file called ``REM.set'' that must be present in the
directory from which the program is launched using the
mpiexec/mpirun command.
This ASCII file has as many lines as parallel processes and on each line
the three (or one) scale factors must be specified.
- if irest
, then each replica read from a user-defined
pdb file that must reside in the PARxxx dir. This is useful when
restarting a REM simulation with the SAVE_ALL_FILES
directive. To restart a REM
with the SAVE_ALL_FILES directive on, the user must hence do
the following: 1) set irest to 3 in the main rem input; 2)
change the filename specification in the SAVE_ALL_FILES
directive (namelist &INOUT) ; this avoids overwriting the saved
restart files ; 3) copy the last configuration in the PARxxx pdb files
to a common user-name file in the same directories (e.g. RESTART.pdb) and instructs the program to read from that PDB in the
namelist &SETUP using the directive READ_PDBb
RESTART.pdb with no ../ specification ;4) optionally rename in
the main input the output files to be produced during the rem